Thursday, January 17, 2008

welcome to fragiline~

my own little corner of the blogsphere, soon to filled with my writings & ramblings on fashion, pretty things & more.

here's a little intro:

{ Oslo, Norway }

I am an italian-norwegian girl who detests using capital letters (but for your sake I'll try♥);
I am fashion obsessed and a travel addict;
I want to see the world, & hopefully, some day I will have seen at least half of what I see in pictures;
I am a high school student who spends most of her days daydreaming;

{ }Japan. sweet lolita&gothic lolita. photography. decora. strawberries. riverdresses. blogs. apple macs. photoshop. daydreaming. parks in summertime. hello kitty. Disneyland. music. scribbling&drawing. fashion. summer rain. Alice in Wonderland. cottoncandy. cute sounds. Tarina Tarantino. Tokyo, Milan, New York, San Francisco & Chamonix. my iPod.

you can find me as girlknees @ livejournal;

with love,